Remote Work Tools for Freelancers

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Being a freelancer is a flexible job and can be done anytime, anywhere, even in pajamas. Then it’s not all fun and games. It requires carefulness in managing existing clients, time discipline, and creating invoices that cannot be missed.

So it is important to have good and functional applications and software. Choosing the most appropriate tool will support maximum performance and bring client satisfaction closer. Make this tool a digital friend that helps you, organizes your work path so that it remains appropriate, keeps everything organized, and makes your freelance career brilliant. Do you know which one to choose?

You can find reviews about the best applications and software that you can choose to maintain the quality of freelance services at a high level and without experiencing excessive stress. Read until the end if you want to grow.

1. All-In-One App for Freelancers

For those of you who need a freelance application that can do everything, then look for an application with complete features? This application has all the features needed to help freelancers work, starting from creating invoices, and drawing up contracts, submitting proposals, processing payments, managing accounting, and other important functions.

All of this is very important for you to manage various important aspects of your freelancing business on one service. This will give you effectiveness and efficiency in many things. Bonsai is a high-level application that is suitable for you.

Read also : Effective Time Management Strategies

2. Bonsai for Android, iOS, Web

Bonsai is the most comprehensive freelance platform. It created to simplify freelancer workflows, from preparing proposals to completing payments.

The reason you need to choose this tool is to carry out end-to-end client management with Bonsai. You can prepare the proposal until you complete the payment. Specially designed tools make things easier for freelancers, even though all important aspects are covered in just one platform.

Best Features

  • Create automatic invoices
  • Time tracking
  • Contract Template
  • Accounting and payments
  • Task management
  • Client details centre
  • US regional banking system
  • Estimated tax costs for US regions

Pros and Cons:


  • Easy and friendly interface
  • Offers complete solutions
  • Integration with mainstream payment modes such as bank transfer, Stripe, and PayPal
  • Templates are flexible and easy to set up
  • Save time with automation features


  • Limitations of advanced accounting features
  • Limitations of collaboration and project management features such as reliance on charts, tasks, and file sharing


7 days for a free trial; There is a package available for USD 17/month which is billed annually

3. Time Management App for Freelancers

For freelancers, time is crucial, so it is very necessary to have a time management application. This tool will help freelancers track time, schedule multiple tasks, set goals, and monitor business progress, anytime, anywhere. Productivity will be greatly helped by this tool, there will be minimal disruption, and it will help meet client deadlines.

Read also : Empowering Hybrid Work with Learning Paths & Tech

4. Rescue Time for Android, iOS, Web, macOS, Windows

Rescue Time, is a tool that helps track time automatically to make it easier for freelancers to manage their daily work schedule.

The reason this tool is suitable to choose is that it has an automatic tracking feature which will provide a lot of insight regarding increasing productivity which is very useful and doesn’t even require manual input.

Best Features

  • Automatic running time tracking feature
  • Creation of detailed reports
  • Setting goals
  • Overcome many distractions

Pros and Cons:


  • Easy setup and use
  • Can run automatically in the background without being turned off
  • Can find useful productivity-increasing insights
  • Perfect integration with calendar


  • Tracking mobile app is no better than desktop mode
  • Limited manual entry and can reduce flexibility
  • Mobile apps and Windows Apps should be able to be integrated with better-quality


Can get a free trial for 7 days; Paid plans are available with prices starting from USD 6.50/month billed annually

5. Note-Taking App for Freelancers

Note-taking applications are very useful for helping freelancers find creative ideas, form advanced thoughts, and help with note-taking which is available in many format options, including audio, images, text, and also video.

This application will make it easier for you to process the most important information and determine the priority scale. Makes it easier to exchange ideas and find the best solution, as well as recording and saving all important details. One of the best choices for note-taking apps is called Notion, and also Google Keep.

6. Notion for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Web

The Notion is known as a multifunctional workspace that has many functions such as task management, note-taking tools, and multi-task collaboration that make freelancers much more productive.

The reason you need to choose this tool is that the modular block system allows users to easily embed tables, create boards, and insert media into notes. All of this creates a dynamic workspace that differentiates it from existing notes apps.

Best Features

  • Super complete text editor
  • AI works automatically and precisely in the Notion application
  • Templates with diverse use cases
  • Kanban boards, lists, and tables are available
  • Supports collaboration and sharing features

Pros and Cons:


  • Very complete and great customization
  • The perfect workspace for many projects
  • Integration with many useful tools


  • The learning curve is a bit tough for beginners
  • Mobile app is considered unresponsive when compared to desktop mode
  • Free accounts only allow a file upload limit of 5MB
  • Only 1000 blocks are available for storage


The basic version is free; There is also a paid plan available at USD 8/month billed annually

7. Google Keep for iOS, macOS, Android, Web, Windows

Google Keep is the simplest note-taking application and has many colors that are easy to synchronize to help freelancers do their work. Can be used on many devices to record and organize work.

Best Features

  • Easily take notes, create lists and voice memo modes
  • Image annotation
  • Notes with coloring
  • Reminder feature

Pros and Cons:


  • Very easy to use
  • Integration with many Google services
  • Collaboration in real-time


  • Limited options for formats
  • Not suitable for long notes
  • Notes take up Google Drive quota
  • Color personalization is not widely available


You can get it for free, and it’s the best tool to support your performance as a freelancer.