6 Tips to Keep Personal Data Safe

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In this modern era, digital security is very important for you to pay attention to. The more advanced the times, there will be various kinds of threats that may arise. One of the dangerous threats is the security of your data privacy.

How to Maintain Privacy Data Well

Keeping your data safe is very important. In this digital era, all the data you have is connected in the digital world, starting from your banking data, and address to other important data. That is why it is very important to be able to maintain your private data properly. Then, how to maintain data privacy well? Here are some tips and tricks that we can share with you.

1. Use Password for Lockscreen

The simplest first step to help you keep your data safe is to protect the device you are using. This could be a smartphone or even a laptop. Using lock screens such as fingerprints, numbers passwords, and patterns is easy to do.

You should note that if you create a password for your device, make sure to create a password that is difficult for others to guess. Make sure to use something that only you understand as a password. For the most secure protection at the moment, you can use a fingerprint, that way only you have access to the device you have.

2. Don’t Carelessly Open Links and Download Things

Problems such as physics and malware are frequent problems. This happens because the hacker will send an unclear link, which can be found on various social media. Your carelessness in clicking links or opening links carelessly will eventually lead you to phishing and malware problems, which will lead to the theft of your private data.

Your mistake can be very fatal because there is a 90% chance that your data will be stolen and you can lose access to various social media and banking accounts. In addition, the perpetrator will have full control over everything that is connected to you digitally, so this will cause a huge loss for you. That is why it is very important for you not to open links on social media carelessly.

3. Be Careful in Granting App Permissions

It is important that you also pay attention to granting permissions to apps. When you download an app on the device you are using, permitting an app that is not clear, can put your security at risk. By carelessly granting permissions to these apps, there is potential for a malicious app to spread phishing and malware. In the end, the data you have on the device you use can be controlled by irresponsible parties.

Therefore, to solve this problem, enable double protection on the device you are using, so that every time you are about to install a malicious application, you will get a notification about whether the application is safe or not. It is better to use apps that you have officially downloaded.

4. Enable Remote Data Wipe

For your data to be much safer, and to anticipate unwanted problems, especially related to the security issues of your data privacy, you can also activate the remote data deletion feature, so you can protect the data you have when the perpetrator wants to enter and access the personal data you have, you can immediately delete everything easily.

5. Backup Data Regularly

There are indeed a lot of people who often ignore this. Data backup is often ignored because we often feel that the data we have is safe. Doing backups regularly can keep your device from data theft.

For those of you who want to keep your privacy safe, start by backing up your data regularly. That way, the data you have can be safer. You can also do a factory reset regularly, so security will be much more guaranteed.

6. Always Update the Operating System

To maintain the security of the data you have, you also need to frequently update the operating system used. Upgrading this operating system will help you increase the security of the device you are using, so it will be more difficult for irresponsible parties to get your private data.

By updating the operating system, your device can rebuild a better firewall, especially in maintaining your security in the digital world. Remember, that many irresponsible people have the potential to commit crimes against you in today’s digital era. Always updating the operating system will increase the security of the device used by you.

Cybercrime is currently one of the biggest threats, especially for those of us who currently live in the digital age. Those are some tips that we can provide to help you maintain the security of the private data that you have. Doing some of the tips above can help reduce the risks that can adversely affect you. So, always be careful in doing various things in cyberspace, because a small mistake can be very fatal for yourself.