10 Healthy Habits For Work-Life Balance

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Work-life balance is an important culture to implement in the work environment. Recently, awareness of the importance of work-life balance has increased, to achieve this you need to leave behind the workaholic or workaholic culture. Because life outside of work is just as important to pay attention to, such as family, friends, or just having fun with yourself.

What is Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance is a balance between the amount of time you spend working and the amount of time for your personal life, meaning there is no excess of the two. What is meant by personal life is carrying out activities that are not related to work, such as gathering with family, friends, and partners, or doing fun activities, for example traveling or hobbies.

Facts on the ground say that more people have an imbalance between work and personal life because more people prioritize work over personal life. This is a result of a person’s inability to manage their time for work and personal life.

Benefits of Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is not only useful for personal life and health but can increase performance and productivity in the world of work as a whole. Work-life balance is said to have been achieved if someone considers work not a tiring task and can give their best performance. This right occurs because they have succeeded in balancing time for work and personal life.

Impact of Lack of Work-Life Balance

Lack of work-life balance has a detrimental impact, whether on work or personal life.

1. Stress and Burnout

If someone works too hard without taking a break, then they tend to be susceptible to stress and burnout. This condition makes it difficult for a person to complete their work well because they are unable to concentrate and make decisions.

2. Physical and Mental Health Disorders

Lack of work-life balance results in mental health disorders due to feelings of depression and unhappiness. Mental health disorders that are very likely to arise are anxiety disorders and depression.

It also harms physical health. If someone works too much so they don’t move enough, don’t exercise often, and eat late, they will experience physical health problems in the form of back pain, heart problems, digestive disorders, and even obesity.

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3. Decreased Productivity and Work Quality

Someone who experiences physical and mental fatigue will have lower levels of productivity and work quality. They will make more mistakes, take longer to complete tasks, and have less enthusiasm for doing the work. This impact is of course not only on employee performance, but also on the company as a whole.

Healthy Habits for Work-Life Balance

There are several healthy habits that you can apply to achieve work-life balance, this can certainly make your life better.

1. Good Time Management

You must be able to set clear boundaries between work and personal life and make it a habit to leave work at work when it’s time to finish work. To be able to implement this habit, you must be able to quickly complete work during work time without procrastinating. Delaying work will only make work pile up and my personal life becomes a mess.

2. Do physical activity

Take time to do physical activities, such as exercising, walking, running, cycling, etc. By doing regular physical activity, you can reduce the risk of developing various diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and others. The ways to do this are to make a regular exercise schedule during holidays and go for a walk when going to the office or between work to relax your muscles from sitting too long.

3. Have a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet means consuming foods that are healthy for the body, such as vegetables, whole grains, fruit, protein foods, sufficient meat, and sufficient carbohydrate foods. It’s better to make and schedule your meals for the entire week when you’re off work. Don’t eat late or leave your stomach empty all day.

4. Good Sleep Routine

A good sleep routine means having enough and regular time to rest. Practice the same amount of sleep, for example, eight hours, including going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. For better sleep quality, leave gadget screens an hour or two before bed.

5. Take time to rest outside

When you’re too tired from work, take time to rest outside. This helps you reduce pressure or stress during work. Fresh air and sunshine are great for rejuvenating your spirits.

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6. Make Time For Fun

When the work is done, it’s time to have fun. Make your free time a fun hobby or go out with your loved ones. There are many fun things you can do to live your personal life well, taking time for yourself is the best way to build enthusiasm for tomorrow.

7. Mindfulness Practice

Increase your awareness of the present moment rather than being stuck in the past and worrying about the future. Mindfulness is great for appreciating your thoughts and feelings and the presence of others. You will also be more sensitive to the surrounding environment.

8. Learn To Say No

If you are asked to do something that is not your job or priority, don’t hesitate to refuse. Work-life balance is often difficult to achieve due to a person’s inability to refuse tasks that are not their job, resulting in more time spent working than necessary and less time for personal life.

9. Avoid Unimportant Activities

So that your work can be completed on time, you need to eliminate unimportant aspects such as playing on your cell phone for too long even though there is nothing urgent. This also applies to your personal life, it’s better to use this time to exercise, rest, pursue a hobby, or make friends with positive people who make you feel better.

10. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

If the task you are doing is too difficult, ask a senior or colleague for help. Forcing yourself on work that you cannot complete yourself will only make you depressed and stressed.

This also applies to your personal life, don’t hesitate to ask other people for help when you have difficulties. Call your friends or family to feel better.